The Domino Effect
The domino effect refers to a chain reaction whereby one event triggers a series of events that ultimately culminate in a desired result. The term is often used to describe how a person’s actions affect others, but can also be applied to situations in the workplace or other settings. A good example of a domino effect would be creating an outline for a novel, which could lead to the creation of a final manuscript.
A domino is a small wooden or plastic block that has a line down the middle and is marked with dots resembling those on dice. The dots are called pips, and they determine the value of the domino. Dominoes are used in a variety of games, both positional and draw-the-line. They are matched together side-by-side, edge to edge, until they form a line with a specified value (usually 1). The value of each piece is determined by counting the pips on both sides of the domino. The first player to play all of their tiles wins.
There are countless domino games, with each one requiring different strategies. Some are played on a flat surface, while others involve the dominoes being stacked up to create intricate structures like trains and castles. Most of the games include scoring, with the winner being awarded points based on the number of pips on opponent’s tiles that were left in their hand. Typical scores are either 6 to 1, or 12 to 0, depending on the rules.
Some domino games also require players to empty their hands by blocking opponents’ play or by removing the pips in their hand. This helps teach basic counting and addition skills, as well as hand-eye coordination. Other common domino games are matador, chicken foot, Mexican train, and the classic game of bergen and muggins.
Dominoes are also used in art and can be arranged to create curved lines, grids that form pictures, or 3D structures. For example, domino artist Nick Floen created a stunning train track out of his grandmother’s garage, using only the tools available to him (a drill press, radial arm saw, scroll saw, belt sander and welder).
A popular way to decorate an office or home is to line up dominoes in a shape, such as a heart, letters or a number. This is an easy way to add some personality to your space and is sure to impress guests!
When writing a story, you can use the domino effect to help build tension. A good way to do this is by introducing an intriguing character who will cause a series of dramatic consequences, or “dominoes,” that will lead to the big climax of the story. This will get the reader’s attention and will have them turning the pages to find out what happens next! To make your story more compelling, you can use this method to introduce character traits and motivations that will drive the protagonist’s actions. You can then develop a plot that will explain how these actions will impact the character’s environment.