The Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing in a Live Casino

There are several benefits to playing in a live casino. Players can enjoy slow bets as well as fast, exhilarating bets. The realistic setting also appeals to players. They can feel as if they are James Bond, reliving the scenes of his casino adventures. This is not to say that playing in a live casino is for everyone.

Real-time shooting

Live casino streaming is a video-based technology that allows people to play casino games in real time. The streaming takes place in special studios and venues that replicate a land-based casino. In the studios, real card decks, shuffle equipment, and table game tables are used. The speed at which dealers deal cards and roulettes is comparable to that of a real casino.

The audience at a live casino can watch a game without making a wager. All they need to do is sit in the same place as the game is taking place, but they should not interrupt the game. By watching the game, they can learn how to observe certain moves and game plays.

Optical character recognition (OCR)

Optical character recognition (OCR) is an important part of the live casino experience. This technology enables casino operators to accurately record information such as cards and suit combinations and then transfer them to players’ screens. This helps to create a more immersive experience. It also helps the operators answer questions and keep track of prize distribution.

OCR first gained popularity in the early 1990s, when it was used in the digitization of paper documents and newspapers. Back then, textual information had to be typed by hand, and OCR made the process much faster and more accurate. Today, casinos use OCR to transmit game action from a live gaming studio to a player’s computer, tablet, or mobile device. This technology is fast and easy to use, but it requires enough lighting to work efficiently. Fortunately, live dealer studios have adequate lighting, which helps to ensure that players can clearly see the action.


There are certain limitations associated with playing live casino games. These games can be slow, and delays may occur during the game. These can be caused by other players’ slow connection or by technical problems in the casino. Such issues can ruin the mood of a player. The live casino also has a time limit, which can be frustrating for some players.

However, one of the main benefits of live casino games is that players can interact with real dealers in a live studio. Players can chat with the dealers using the chat box, which is typically open to the public. Live dealers also read the public chat box and can respond to any questions players have. This makes playing these games a more realistic experience.


The benefits of playing at a live casino are many. For one, you get to gamble against real people, and you don’t have to deal with algorithms. In addition, you don’t have to change out of your pajamas. Most brick-and-mortar casinos have strict dress codes, but you don’t have to worry about that when you play online. Besides, live casinos don’t dump the costs of the dealer on you.

Live casinos aren’t cheap, but they are well worth it. The best ones invest a lot in their infrastructure and ensure that the experience is safe. In addition, they offer the same feeling as a real-world casino, so you’ll feel good about winning.